Handsome Furs (Live on CBC Radio 3)
Thy Will Be DoneTV on The Radio
Golden AgeFinal Fantasy
Seth Avett (Avett Brothers)
Mary ( Langhorne Slim cover)Ben Folds (feat. Regina Spektor)
You Don't Know MeHere is what Regina had to say about Ben Folds, her upcoming TV appearence, and her NEW record...
"i recorded on Ben Folds' song "You don't know me". I knew of him, but I met him for the first time in the studio. He was immediately cool. Funny, nice, and also good. That's important if you are to sing with someone. You want them to be like that. His new record just came out and we are going to do the song together on Conan O'Brien, (who rules!... in a non- evil- power- hungry way), and i'm very excited. I may even get to be on TV standing and not sitting, for the first time ever... though i may get spooked last minute and beg Ben to let me sit behind the piano and hide as usual... Ah... i just made myself nervous and it's not till Oct. 2nd... yes... the feeling of utter fear and panic, so familiar and yet new and terrifying in its own special way every time...
So... a lot more things happened... a record has been started, and not finished yet... a rainy and incredibly happy show was played in Brooklyn, with Dan, Eleanor and Surai on strings, and special guests Only Son and Reggie Watts helpin' me out in the big big swimming pool (thank you everyone who sported the wet puppy look, stood in the rain and hung out! special thank you to Brumstix, i will have to write back to you dear peeps at some later point, when i can do it justice, but let me say it is such a thoughtful and touching and beautiful gift you made!!! i love that book...)Outlands festival was amazing, and i got to hear Tom Petty live for the first time ever... He and the heartbreakers were incredible...I will try to write more some other time... thank you for reading this long thing, if you were able to.... and i wish you all a wonderful, happy and healthy time out there... in the big big world..." from Regina's MySpace blog post