Saturday, March 29, 2008

Xiu Xiu @ Music Hall of Williamsburg 3.23.08

This is another Xiu Xiu easter Sunday for me. they are beautiful and dark and struggling and alive and sweet and disastrous and moving. this is as always a blood, sweat and tears operation for Jamie. the band as four is additional beauty and they are one of the most impressive acts you can see in this corner of the world. P.S. Xiu Xiu road manager, David Horvitz, recently teemed up with Spencer Krug and the gang, Sunset Rubdown, for a "Polaroid Project" featuring a reminiscent effort to allow fans direct access to personal pictures taken by David and his relationship to "a day in the life" so to speak, through drop-offs of blank Polaroids. Also, recently announced, Sunset Rubdown will release a 7" David Horvitz Picture Disc

1. Bishop CA

2. In Lust You Can Hear The Axe Fall

3. Clowne Towne

4. F.T.W.

5. No Friend OH!

6. Master of the Bump

7. You Are Pregnant, You Are Dead

8. Save Me Save Me

9. Gayle Lynn

10. I Do What I Want When I Want

11. Clover

12. Apistat Commander

13. Suha

Stay Tuned for a recording of Sunset Rubdown @ The Brooklyn Masonic Temple on 3.27.08

Friday, March 28, 2008

Chris Garneau @ The Music Hall of Williamsburg on 3/23/08

I recently attended the Music Hall of Williamsburg, aka, "McBowery" for a performance by not only Xiu Xiu but a man known as Chris Garneau. You may have heard his music during Grey's Anatomy episodes or maybe you are just cool enough to know that it's some of the most beautiful music being made right now. My history with his music is bitter sweet. I went to a Frog Eyes show that featured Alex Delivery and Chris as the openers. I arrived just in time for A.D. and was really impressed. After Frog Eyes completed their usual amazing set i couldnt help but think how incredible Chris' act must have been considering the other talents sharing the stage that night. I got home and immediately downloaded some hard to find tracks of his and was an instant fan. I have since been to any and every of Chris' shows that I possibly could've. Even left a Beirut show prior to their encore to make his appearance @ Soundfix in Williamsburg a few months back. He's that good. With no other similar sound for my ears to compare it to, I would have to say Music for Tourists and C Sides are my favorite albums in the last year or so. WIth this being said, here are the songs he performed on Easter Sunday and if you ask me they are more amazing than someone rising from the dead.

1. You

2. Castle Time

3. Relief

4. New Song

5. Black and Blue

6. Between the Bars (Elliott Smith cover)

7. Blackout

8. Not Nice

enjoy! and stay tuned for XIU XIU !

Saturday, March 22, 2008

New, Yet Old Modest Mouse Demos

These demos showed up among Modest Mouse fans a few weeks ago, they're simply labeled "Demos given to Chris Early by Eric Judy" and that's pretty much what they are. Awesome, rough, fuzzy, old Modest Mouse demos. Some guy was given them by someone he had been trading Modest Mouse shows with, whom had gotten them from Chris Early, who had gotten them from Eric Judy a long time ago. This all happened during and before 1998. Chris Early was Eric Judy's roommate a long time ago. Also, the recording of "Lives" isn't part of the demo, it was just included for some unknown reason, but it is a pretty cool early recording of it.

Demos given to Chris Early by Eric Judy
01. Untitled
02. Ugly Casanova
03. This Is Real Life
04. Untitled
05. Untitled
06. Untitled
07. Lives (Live at the Great American Music Hall in '98)


Thursday, March 13, 2008

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


Celebrate the Body Electric (It Came from An Angel)- link removed : sorry

From their new LP "Ice Cream Spiritual" out June 17th on We Are Free

Magic Weapon

04 Blood Songs 1

From the Residue Hymns EP contact for mail orders

Animal Collective

Street Flash

From the Water Curses EP out May 6 on Domino


Perfect Fit

From Rad Boo and the Glory available ?

Destroyer Goodies [Part 4 of 4]

Destroyer's Trouble In Dreams comes out next week, so here's the fourth and final radio session which I'm going to post, it's from April 10th, 2006. It's another CBC Radio 3 session mostly with songs from Destroyer's Rubies which was released a few months earlier. Also, Trouble In Dreams can be very easily pre-ordered from Merge Records along with the rest of the Destroyer albums.

1. The Crossover Song
2. It's Gonna Take an Airplane
3. Streethawk II
4. Rubies
5. Looter's Follies
6. Your Blood

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Destroyer Goodies [Part 3 of 4]

Destroyer's Trouble In Dreams comes out next week, so here's the third radio session of the bunch I'm going to post, it's from June 7th, 2004, with Frog Eyes backing Destroyer. It's another CBC Radio 3 session with songs from Notorious Lightning and Other Works which can be bought on vinyl from Soft Abuse. Also, Trouble In Dreams can be very easily pre-ordered from Merge Records along with the rest of the Destroyer albums.

1. Certain Things You Oughta Know
2. New Ways Of Living
3. Don't Become the Thing You Hated
4. The Music Lovers
5. An Actors Revenge
6. Notorious Lightning

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Destroyer Goodies [Part 2 of 4]

Destroyer's Trouble In Dreams comes out next week, so here's the second radio session of the bunch I'm going to post, it's from sometime in 2003. It's some type of CBC Radio 3 special from the time after This Night was  released that can be viewed here. Also Trouble In Dreams can be very easily pre-ordered from Merge Records along with the rest of the Destroyer albums.

1. Here Comes The Night
2. Trembling Peacock
3. Self Portrait With Thing
4. The Night Moves

Monday, March 10, 2008

Destroyer Goodies [Part 1 of 4]

Destroyer's Trouble In Dreams comes out next week, so I'm going to post some oldish/newish Destroyer radio sessions starting with one from 2001 on WFMU. It's really good. It's a "Rhubarb Cake Live Set." Also Trouble In Dreams can be very easily pre-ordered from Merge Records along with the rest of the Destroyer albums.

1. English Music
2. The Sublimation Hour
3. Makin' Angles
4. The Music Lovers
5. Streethawk I
6. Self Portrait With Thing (Tonight Is Not Your Night)
7. Beggars Might Ride
8. Goddess of Drought

Friday, March 07, 2008

Chad Vangaalen plays Gameboy and more...

Recorded at City Lights Bookshop in London, Ontario on Sept 07

Dirty Burgers Gameboy

Sing me to Sleep

Cold Walking

Monday, March 03, 2008

The Northwest Man's "People Friendly"

"Brett Mattox is Darnielle with a Casio. As such, he continues to toss songs into the bin the listener then rummages through to compile their own playlist of personal favorites. On People-Friendly, Mattox is a lounge act in an intergalactic starport, crooning to drunk aliens about his adventures on Earth. It's The Northwest Man playing down his inherent oddities perhaps too much, and when simple strummed guitar makes a startling appearance on "The Sun", it brings about some wonder of how the other songs would sound with a bit more instrumentation or surprises.
The record contains some great tunes for your "NWM ROX" playlist ("Hell Well" and "The Sun" are big standouts), and even the most diehard Northwester will be severely perplexed by the 80s-ballad-without-irony weirdness-by-comparison that is "For Now I Say Goodbye."" -Thom Stylinki

Anyway, Brett Mattox has yet another album out as The Northwest Man, it has 10 tracks and was recorded entirely in February as part of the RPM Challenge. Brett also plays in The Whiskers.
01 Warning on the Boarding
02 Hell Well
03 O Where When
04 Hopscotch Fever
05 Handstands
06 This Seems Like the Proper Place to Put a Sad Song
07 They're in Mourning
08 The Sun
09 Perfect Mistake
10 For Now I Say Goodbye

Everyone should hear it!