Tuesday, September 29, 2015

"Apologies To The Queen Mary" Live Compilation

I was asked to create a live compilation of the songs from Wolf Parade's Apologies To The Queen Mary in honor of the album's 10 Year Anniversary this past Sunday. The Wolf Parade Fansite wonderfully chronicled this anniversary with posts about each song including in-depth conversations about the album with Dan, Spencer, and Arlen.

My process in creating this compilation began with limiting the possible recordings to those live recordings I possess in uncompressed formats, mainly FLACs. (Uncompressed files should sound better than compressed files, especially when played loudly on large speakers.) From there I listened to each version of each song from Apologies and eventually decided on the rendition I thought was best or most exciting. For some songs this was very difficult, therefore I included more than one rendition.

A few of my notes:
- The first twelve tracks are almost all from the earlier years while the extra renditions and tracks are from later years as the songs evolved.
- I included "Disco Sheets" and "Lousy Pictures" because they are from the same period and recording sessions as ATTQM.
- "I'll Believe In Anything" went through a few transformations revolving around the arpeggiation at the beginning and Spencer's move from his original Jupiter 4 keyboard. Besides the song being totally rad that is why there are three different renditions on this compilation.
- Tracks 17-19 are great to hear just how loudly the crowd is singing along.
- There's a few seconds of cheering at the end of each track... some of the cheering flows well into the next song, some cheering does not. My bad.

The tracklist of the final product is below:

01. You Are A Runner And I Am My Father's Son @
02. Modern World %
03. Grounds For Divorce *
04. We Built Another World ^
05. Fancy Claps @
06. Same Ghost Every Night *
07. Shine A Light ^
08. Dear Sons And Daughters Of Hungry Ghosts *
09. I'll Believe In Anything ^
10. It's A Curse *
11. Dinner Bells #
12. This Heart's On Fire #
[Bonus tracks!]
13. Disco Sheets ^
14. Lousy Pictures ~
15. I'll Believe In Anything @
16. You Are A Runner And I Am My Father's Son > Fancy Claps ^
17. Dear Sons And Daughters Of Hungry Ghosts $
18. This Heart's On Fire &
19. I'll Believe In Anything $

 * recorded by Ryan on 2004.08.10 The Rostraver Ice Garden, Rostraver, PA

~ recorded by CBC Radio 3 on 2004.11.01 CBC Radio Studio 3 Session
 ^ recorded by mycarrion on 2005.09.21 Paramount Theater, Seattle, WA
# recorded on 2005.10.18 Theatre Plaza, Montreal, Canada
% recorded by billy on 2006.08.21 The Showbox, Seattle, WA and remastered by TronicVolta
@ recorded by Pabby on 2008.11.28 The Ruby Lounge, Manchester, UK
$ recorded by Pabby on 2010.05.21 Club Academy, Manchester, England
& recorded from the radio on 2010.09.05 Electric Picnic, Stradbally, Ireland

*** "Modern World" and "Lousy Pictures" are unfortunately not from uncompressed sources. "Modern World" only appears on a handful of live recordings and I unfortunately do not have a lossless version of any of those. I do not have any recordings of "Lousy Pictures" besides the EP and CBC versions - as it seemed right to include it in this compilation I included the live CBC rendition. If you have other version of these songs please let us know!

You can download the compilation by clicking here. If you really want FLACs of these tracks leave a comment and I'll upload them somewhere. 

This compilation is meant to compliment one's already complete Wolf Parade collection. If for some reason you do not already own every Wolf Parade release ever it is not too late to buy their albums from Sub Pop and their 2004 6-Song EP from Cheap Thrills!